C++ Unleashed: From Zero to Hero
Previous chapter: Advanced Template Programming
C++20 Features
C++20 is a significant update to the C++ programming language, introducing a plethora of new features and enhancements that aim to make C++ more powerful, expressive, and easier to use. This chapter explores the most impactful features of C++20, including Concepts, Ranges, Coroutines, Modules, the Three-Way Comparison Operator (<=>
), std::span
, and other notable additions to the Standard Library. By understanding and leveraging these features, you can write more efficient, readable, and maintainable C++ code.
Table of Contents for This Chapter
- Introduction to C++20
- Concepts
- Ranges
- Coroutines
- Modules
- Three-Way Comparison Operator (
) std::span
- Other Notable C++20 Features
- Best Practices for Using C++20 Features
- Practical Examples
- Summary
Introduction to C++20
Overview of C++20
C++20 is a major milestone in the evolution of the C++ language, building upon the foundation laid by previous standards like C++11, C++14, C++17, and C++23. It introduces a range of features that enhance the language’s expressiveness, performance, and usability. Some of the key highlights include:
- Concepts: Compile-time constraints for template parameters.
- Ranges: Improved and more expressive ways to work with sequences of elements.
- Coroutines: Native support for asynchronous programming.
- Modules: A new way to organize and compile code, improving compile times and encapsulation.
- Three-Way Comparison Operator (
): Simplifies the implementation of comparison operators. std::span
: A lightweight object that can reference a sequence of elements without owning them.- Various enhancements to the Standard Library: Including
, enhancedstd::chrono
, and more.
Why Upgrade to C++20?
Adopting C++20 allows developers to:
- Write More Expressive Code: Features like Concepts and Ranges enable more readable and maintainable code.
- Improve Performance: Coroutines and Modules can lead to more efficient programs.
- Enhance Type Safety: Concepts provide stronger compile-time checks.
- Simplify Asynchronous Programming: Coroutines make writing asynchronous code more straightforward.
Before proceeding, ensure that your development environment supports C++20. While most modern compilers like GCC (from version 10), Clang (from version 10), and MSVC (from Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8) offer varying levels of C++20 support, it’s important to note that module programming in C++20 does not yet have high support across these three major mainstream compilers. This means that while Modules are a powerful feature, their adoption may be limited until compiler support becomes more mature and standardized.
What Are Concepts?
Concepts are a feature introduced in C++20 that provide a way to specify constraints on template parameters. They allow developers to define requirements that types must meet to be used with certain templates, enhancing code clarity and compile-time error messages.
Benefits of Using Concepts
- Improved Readability: Clearly states the requirements for template parameters.
- Better Error Messages: Compiler errors are more informative when template constraints are not met.
- Code Reusability and Safety: Ensures that templates are used with appropriate types.
Defining and Using Concepts
Defining a Concept
A concept is defined using the concept
keyword, followed by a boolean expression that specifies the constraints.
Example: Defining a Concept for Arithmetic Types
#include <concepts>
#include <iostream>
// Define a concept named 'Arithmetic' that checks if a type is integral or floating-point
template<typename T>
concept Arithmetic = std::is_integral_v<T> || std::is_floating_point_v<T>;
Using Concepts in Templates
Concepts can be used to constrain template parameters in various ways:
- As a
Clause - Using
Parameter Syntax - Inline Constraints
Example: Using Concepts with a Function Template
#include <concepts>
#include <iostream>
// Define the 'Arithmetic' concept
template<typename T>
concept Arithmetic = std::is_integral_v<T> || std::is_floating_point_v<T>;
// Function that adds two arithmetic types
Arithmetic auto add(Arithmetic auto a, Arithmetic auto b) {
return a + b;
int main() {
std::cout << add(5, 10) << std::endl; // Outputs: 15
std::cout << add(3.14, 2.71) << std::endl; // Outputs: 5.85
// std::cout << add("Hello", "World") << std::endl; // Compilation error
return 0;
- The
function is constrained to accept only types that satisfy theArithmetic
concept. - Attempting to call
with non-arithmetic types (e.g., strings) results in a clear compilation error.
Advanced Concepts
Concepts can express more complex constraints, including multiple requirements and even custom behaviors.
Example: Defining a Concept for Equality Comparable Types
#include <concepts>
#include <iostream>
// Define a concept that checks if a type supports equality comparison
template<typename T>
concept EqualityComparable = requires(T a, T b) {
{ a == b } -> std::convertible_to<bool>;
// Function that checks if two objects are equal
bool areEqual(EqualityComparable auto a, EqualityComparable auto b) {
return a == b;
int main() {
std::cout << std::boolalpha;
std::cout << areEqual(5, 5) << std::endl; // true
std::cout << areEqual(5, 10) << std::endl; // false
std::cout << areEqual("Hello", "World") << std::endl; // false
return 0;
- The
concept ensures that the types used withareEqual
support the==
operator and that it returns a type convertible tobool
Standard Library Concepts
C++20 introduces several predefined concepts in the <concepts>
header, such as:
: Types that represent integral numbers.std::floating_point
: Types that represent floating-point numbers.std::same_as
: Checks if two types are the same.std::derived_from
: Checks if one type is derived from another.std::convertible_to
: Checks if one type is convertible to another.
Example: Using Standard Library Concepts
#include <concepts>
#include <iostream>
// Function that only accepts types derived from Base
struct Base {};
struct Derived : Base {};
struct Unrelated {};
template<typename T>
requires std::derived_from<T, Base>
void process(const T& obj) {
std::cout << "Processing object derived from Base." << std::endl;
int main() {
Derived d;
process(d); // Valid
// Unrelated u;
// process(u); // Compilation error
return 0;
Processing object derived from Base.
What Are Ranges?
Ranges are a new addition in C++20 that provide a more expressive and intuitive way to work with sequences of elements. They build upon the existing iterator-based approach, offering a more declarative style of programming that can lead to cleaner and more readable code.
Benefits of Using Ranges
- Improved Readability: Chain operations in a natural, sequential manner.
- Lazy Evaluation: Operations are executed only when necessary, enhancing performance.
- Composability: Easily combine multiple range operations without creating intermediate containers.
Core Components of Ranges
- Views: Lightweight, non-owning, and composable views into data.
- Actions: Operations that can be performed on ranges, such as filtering, transforming, and iterating.
- Range Adaptors: Tools to modify ranges on-the-fly without altering the original data.
Using Range-Based Algorithms
C++20 introduces new algorithms in the <algorithm>
header that work seamlessly with ranges.
Example: Using std::ranges::for_each
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main() {
std::vector<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
// Apply a lambda function to each element using ranges
std::ranges::for_each(numbers, [](int n) {
std::cout << n * n << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
1 4 9 16 25
Range Adaptors
Range adaptors allow you to create modified views of existing ranges without copying data.
Example: Using std::views::filter
and std::views::transform
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <ranges>
#include <vector>
int main() {
std::vector<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
// Create a view that filters even numbers and then squares them
auto processed = numbers
| std::views::filter([](int n) { return n % 2 == 0; })
| std::views::transform([](int n) { return n * n; });
// Iterate over the processed view
for(auto n : processed) {
std::cout << n << " "; // Outputs: 4 16 36
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
4 16 36
: Creates a view that includes only even numbers.std::views::transform
: Transforms each element by squaring it.- Chaining Adaptors: Allows for a declarative and readable sequence of operations.
Range-Based Containers
Most standard containers can be used with ranges, providing a seamless integration of range-based algorithms and adaptors.
Example: Using Ranges with std::vector
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <ranges>
#include <vector>
int main() {
std::vector<std::string> words = {"apple", "banana", "cherry", "date", "elderberry"};
// Find all words that start with the letter 'b' or 'c' and convert them to uppercase
auto processed = words
| std::views::filter([](const std::string& s) {
return !s.empty() && (s[0] == 'b' || s[0] == 'c');
| std::views::transform([](std::string s) {
for(auto& ch : s) ch = std::toupper(ch);
return s;
// Display the processed words
for(auto& word : processed) {
std::cout << word << " "; // Outputs: BANANA CHERRY
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
Combining Ranges with Algorithms
Ranges can be combined with traditional algorithms for more powerful data processing.
Example: Using std::ranges::sort
with a View
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <ranges>
#include <vector>
int main() {
std::vector<int> numbers = {5, 3, 1, 4, 2};
// Create a view that excludes the first element
auto view = numbers | std::views::drop(1);
// Since views are non-owning and non-modifiable by default, we need to copy to a new container
auto sorted_view = std::vector<int>(view.begin(), view.end());
// Display the sorted view
for(auto n : sorted_view) {
std::cout << n << " "; // Outputs: 2 3 4 5
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
2 3 4 5
Note: The original numbers
vector remains unchanged.
What Are Coroutines?
Coroutines are a feature introduced in C++20 that enable functions to suspend and resume execution without blocking the thread. They provide a powerful mechanism for writing asynchronous and lazy-evaluated code in a natural and readable manner.
Benefits of Using Coroutines
- Simplified Asynchronous Code: Write asynchronous operations without complex callback mechanisms.
- Improved Readability: Code resembles synchronous code, making it easier to understand.
- Efficiency: Coroutines can reduce overhead by avoiding unnecessary thread creation.
Understanding Coroutine Components
: Suspends the coroutine until the awaited operation is complete.co_yield
: Produces a value to the caller and suspends the coroutine.co_return
: Completes the coroutine and optionally returns a value.
Basic Coroutine Example
Example: Simple Coroutine that Yields Values
#include <coroutine>
#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
// Define a generator class
template<typename T>
struct Generator {
struct promise_type {
std::optional<T> current_value;
Generator get_return_object() {
return Generator{ std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>::from_promise(*this) };
std::suspend_always initial_suspend() { return {}; }
std::suspend_always final_suspend() noexcept { return {}; }
std::suspend_always yield_value(T value) {
current_value = value;
return {};
void return_void() {}
void unhandled_exception() { std::terminate(); }
std::coroutine_handle<promise_type> handle;
Generator(std::coroutine_handle<promise_type> h) : handle(h) {}
~Generator() { if(handle) handle.destroy(); }
std::optional<T> next() {
if(!handle.done()) {
return handle.promise().current_value;
return std::nullopt;
// Coroutine function that generates numbers from 1 to 5
Generator<int> generateNumbers() {
for(int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
co_yield i;
int main() {
auto gen = generateNumbers();
while(auto val = gen.next()) {
std::cout << "Generated: " << *val << std::endl;
return 0;
Generated: 1
Generated: 2
Generated: 3
Generated: 4
Generated: 5
Class: Manages the coroutine’s state and provides anext
method to retrieve generated values.promise_type
: Defines how the coroutine behaves, including how it yields values.generateNumbers
Coroutine: Yields numbers from 1 to 5 usingco_yield
Asynchronous Coroutines with std::future
Coroutines can also be used to perform asynchronous operations that return std::future
Example: Asynchronous Coroutine that Returns a Future
#include <coroutine>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
// Awaitable type that represents a ready future
struct ReadyFuture {
std::future<int> fut;
bool await_ready() const noexcept { return true; }
void await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<>) noexcept {}
int await_resume() { return fut.get(); }
// Coroutine function that returns a future
std::future<int> asyncAdd(int a, int b) {
co_return a + b;
int main() {
auto fut = asyncAdd(10, 20);
std::cout << "Sum: " << fut.get() << std::endl; // Outputs: Sum: 30
return 0;
Sum: 30
Coroutine: Returns astd::future<int>
that will hold the result of the addition.- Awaiting the Future: In this simple example,
automatically creates a ready future.
Best Practices with Coroutines
- Understand the Coroutine Lifecycle: Be aware of how coroutines are created, suspended, and destroyed.
- Manage Resource Lifetimes: Ensure that resources used within coroutines remain valid across suspensions.
- Use Coroutines for Asynchronous Tasks: Ideal for I/O operations, event handling, and other asynchronous workflows.
- Combine with Other C++20 Features: Leverage Concepts and Ranges alongside Coroutines for more powerful abstractions.
What Are Modules?
Modules are a major feature introduced in C++20 that aim to replace the traditional preprocessor-based include system. They provide a more robust, efficient, and scalable way to organize and compile C++ code by encapsulating code into named units with explicit interfaces.
Benefits of Using Modules
- Faster Compilation: Reduce compile times by avoiding redundant processing of header files.
- Improved Encapsulation: Clearly define interfaces and hide implementation details.
- Better Dependency Management: Avoid issues like the infamous “include hell” and circular dependencies.
- Enhanced Reliability: Eliminate macro-related bugs and improve code safety.
Defining and Importing Modules
Creating a Module Interface
A module interface file defines the public interface of a module. It uses the export module
Example: Defining a Module Interface (math.ixx
// math.ixx - Module Interface File
export module math;
export int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
export int multiply(int a, int b) {
return a * b;
Importing a Module
To use a module in your code, use the import
keyword followed by the module name.
Example: Using the math
Module (main.cpp
// main.cpp
import math;
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int sum = add(5, 3);
int product = multiply(5, 3);
std::cout << "Sum: " << sum << std::endl; // Outputs: Sum: 8
std::cout << "Product: " << product << std::endl; // Outputs: Product: 15
return 0;
Compilation Steps:
- Compile the Module Interface
g++ -std=c++20 -fmodules-ts -c math.ixx -o math.o
- Compile the Main Program
g++ -std=c++20 main.cpp math.o -o main
- Run the Program
Sum: 8
Product: 15
Module Partitioning
Modules can be divided into partitions to manage large codebases more effectively. Partitions allow splitting a module’s interface and implementation into separate files.
Example: Module with Partitions
Module Interface (
)// graphics.ixx - Module Interface export module graphics; export void drawCircle(); export void drawSquare(); export import graphics.details; // Importing partition
Module Partition (
)// graphics_details.ixx - Module Partition module graphics.details; void drawCircle() { // Implementation of drawing a circle } void drawSquare() { // Implementation of drawing a square }
Using the Module (
)// main.cpp import graphics; #include <iostream> int main() { drawCircle(); drawSquare(); std::cout << "Shapes drawn successfully." << std::endl; return 0; }
Compilation Steps:
- Compile the Module Interface and Partition
g++ -std=c++20 -fmodules-ts -c graphics.ixx -o graphics.o g++ -std=c++20 -fmodules-ts -c graphics_details.ixx -o graphics_details.o
- Compile the Main Program
g++ -std=c++20 main.cpp graphics.o graphics_details.o -o main
- Run the Program
Shapes drawn successfully.
Compiler Support and Considerations
While Modules are a powerful feature, module programming in C++20 does not yet have high support across the three major mainstream compilers:
- GCC: Partial support starting from version 10, with ongoing improvements.
- Clang: Partial support with significant progress in recent versions.
- MSVC: More mature support compared to GCC and Clang, but still evolving.
- Portability: Code utilizing Modules may face compatibility issues across different compiler versions.
- Adoption: Given the limited support, it’s advisable to use Modules judiciously, especially in projects targeting multiple compiler platforms.
- Future Proofing: As compiler support matures, adopting Modules will become more beneficial. Staying informed about compiler updates is essential.
- Evaluate Necessity: Assess whether the benefits of Modules outweigh the current limitations in compiler support for your project.
- Fallback Mechanisms: Consider providing traditional header-based includes as a fallback when Modules are not supported.
- Stay Updated: Keep track of compiler releases and updates to leverage improved Module support as it becomes available.
Best Practices with Modules
- Organize Code into Logical Modules: Group related functionalities into separate modules for better maintainability.
- Minimize Module Interfaces: Expose only what is necessary to reduce dependencies and improve encapsulation.
- Avoid Circular Dependencies: Design modules to prevent circular imports, which can lead to compilation issues.
- Leverage Module Partitions: Use partitions to manage large modules by splitting them into manageable pieces.
- Provide Fallbacks: Ensure that your codebase can compile without Modules if targeting compilers with limited support.
- Document Module Interfaces: Clearly document the public interface of each module to aid developers in understanding dependencies and usage.
Three-Way Comparison Operator (<=>
What Is the Three-Way Comparison Operator?
The three-way comparison operator, also known as the “spaceship operator” (<=>
), was introduced in C++20 to simplify the process of implementing comparison operators. It provides a unified way to perform all relational comparisons (<
, <=
, >
, >=
) and equality comparisons (==
, !=
Benefits of Using the <=>
- Simplifies Operator Definitions: Reduces boilerplate code by handling multiple comparisons in one operator.
- Consistent Comparison Logic: Ensures consistent behavior across different comparison operators.
- Supports Defaulted Comparisons: Allows the compiler to generate default comparison logic for user-defined types.
Using the <=>
Implementing the <=>
To implement the three-way comparison operator, define the operator<=>
in your class. You can also default the operator to let the compiler generate it automatically.
Example: Implementing <=>
in a Point
#include <compare>
#include <iostream>
struct Point {
int x;
int y;
// Implement the three-way comparison operator
auto operator<=>(const Point&) const = default;
int main() {
Point p1{1, 2};
Point p2{1, 3};
if(p1 < p2) {
std::cout << "p1 is less than p2" << std::endl;
} else if(p1 > p2) {
std::cout << "p1 is greater than p2" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "p1 is equal to p2" << std::endl;
return 0;
p1 is less than p2
- Defaulted
Operator: By using= default
, the compiler automatically generates the comparison logic based on the member variables. - Comparison Order: The comparison starts with the first member (
), and if they are equal, it proceeds to the next member (y
Customizing the <=>
You can provide custom comparison logic by implementing the operator<=>
Example: Custom <=>
#include <compare>
#include <iostream>
struct Person {
std::string name;
int age;
// Custom three-way comparison operator
std::partial_ordering operator<=>(const Person& other) const {
if(auto cmp = name <=> other.name; cmp != 0) {
return cmp;
return age <=> other.age;
bool operator==(const Person& other) const = default;
int main() {
Person alice{"Alice", 30};
Person bob{"Bob", 25};
Person anotherAlice{"Alice", 30};
std::cout << std::boolalpha;
std::cout << "alice == bob: " << (alice == bob) << std::endl; // false
std::cout << "alice < bob: " << (alice < bob) << std::endl; // true
std::cout << "alice == anotherAlice: " << (alice == anotherAlice) << std::endl; // true
return 0;
alice == bob: false
alice < bob: true
alice == anotherAlice: true
- Custom Logic: First compares
, and if equal, comparesage
. - Partial Ordering: Uses
to handle cases where comparison might not be strict.
Best Practices with the <=>
- Leverage Defaulted Comparisons: Use
= default
whenever possible to reduce boilerplate code. - Ensure Consistency: Make sure that all members used in comparison are consistent with the intended ordering logic.
- Understand Comparison Categories: Use appropriate comparison categories (
) based on the nature of the comparisons. - Combine with
: Defineoperator==
to ensure complete comparison functionality.
What Is std::span
is a lightweight, non-owning reference to a contiguous sequence of objects. Introduced in C++20, it provides a safe and convenient way to pass arrays or parts of containers to functions without losing size information or resorting to raw pointers.
Benefits of Using std::span
- Safety: Eliminates common pointer-related errors by keeping track of the size.
- Flexibility: Can reference entire containers or subranges without copying data.
- Performance: Minimal overhead since it doesn’t own the data.
Creating and Using std::span
Example: Basic Usage of std::span
#include <span>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
void printSpan(std::span<int> s) {
for(auto num : s) {
std::cout << num << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
int main() {
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
std::vector<int> vec = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
// Create spans from array and vector
std::span<int> spanArr(arr);
std::span<int> spanVec(vec);
printSpan(spanArr); // Outputs: 1 2 3 4 5
printSpan(spanVec); // Outputs: 6 7 8 9 10
// Create a subspan
auto subSpan = spanArr.subspan(1, 3);
printSpan(subSpan); // Outputs: 2 3 4
return 0;
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
2 3 4
- Creating a
: Can be created from arrays,std::vector
, or other contiguous containers. - Subspan: Allows creating a view into a subset of the span.
Modifying Data Through std::span
Since std::span
provides access to the underlying data, modifications are reflected in the original container.
Example: Modifying Data via std::span
#include <span>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
void incrementElements(std::span<int> s) {
for(auto& num : s) {
int main() {
std::vector<int> vec = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
std::span<int> spanVec(vec);
for(auto num : vec) {
std::cout << num << " "; // Outputs: 11 21 31 41 51
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
11 21 31 41 51
Usage: TheincrementElements
function takes a span of integers and increments each element.- Data Modification: Changes made through the span are directly reflected in the original
Constness and std::span
can be used with const
types to provide read-only access to data.
Example: Read-Only std::span
#include <span>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
void printConstSpan(std::span<const int> s) {
for(auto num : s) {
std::cout << num << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
int main() {
std::vector<int> vec = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500};
std::span<const int> spanVec(vec);
printConstSpan(spanVec); // Outputs: 100 200 300 400 500
return 0;
100 200 300 400 500
std::span<const int>
: Ensures that the elements cannot be modified through the span.
Best Practices with std::span
- Prefer
Over Raw Pointers: Enhances code safety and clarity by keeping track of size. - Use Const Correctness: Pass spans as
std::span<const T>
when modification is not required. - Avoid Dangling Spans: Ensure that the underlying data outlives the span to prevent undefined behavior.
- Leverage Subspans: Utilize
to operate on specific ranges within a span without creating new containers. - Combine with Ranges: Use
in conjunction with Ranges for more powerful and expressive data processing.
Other Notable C++20 Features
C++20 introduces several other features and enhancements that further enrich the language. Below are some of the notable additions:
Lambda Enhancements
Template Lambdas
C++20 allows lambda expressions to have template parameters, enabling them to be more generic and flexible.
Example: Template Lambda
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
int main() {
auto print = []<typename T>(const T& value) {
std::cout << value << " ";
std::vector<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
std::ranges::for_each(numbers, print); // Outputs: 1 2 3 4 5
return 0;
1 2 3 4 5
Capturing *this
by Value
C++20 allows capturing *this
by value in lambdas, enabling safer use of member variables.
Example: Capturing *this
by Value
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
struct Counter {
int count = 0;
void incrementAfterDelay() {
auto lambda = [copy = *this]() mutable {
std::cout << "Count after delay: " << copy.count << std::endl;
// Simulate asynchronous execution
int main() {
Counter c;
c.incrementAfterDelay(); // Outputs: Count after delay: 1
std::cout << "Original count: " << c.count << std::endl; // Outputs: Original count: 0
return 0;
Count after delay: 1
Original count: 0
- Capturing by Value: The lambda captures a copy of
, ensuring that modifications within the lambda do not affect the original object.
and constinit
The consteval
keyword specifies that a function is an immediate function, meaning it must be evaluated at compile time.
Example: Using consteval
#include <iostream>
// Immediate function that computes factorial at compile time
consteval int factorial(int n) {
return (n <= 1) ? 1 : (n * factorial(n - 1));
int main() {
constexpr int fact5 = factorial(5);
std::cout << "Factorial of 5: " << fact5 << std::endl; // Outputs: 120
// int fact6 = factorial(6); // Error: factorial must be evaluated at compile time
return 0;
Factorial of 5: 120
Function: Must be evaluated at compile time. Attempting to use it in a runtime context results in a compilation error.
The constinit
keyword ensures that a variable is initialized at compile time, but unlike constexpr
, it does not make the variable constant.
Example: Using constinit
#include <iostream>
struct Config {
int value;
// Compile-time initialization
constinit Config config = {42};
int main() {
std::cout << "Config value: " << config.value << std::endl; // Outputs: 42
config.value = 100; // Allowed: not const
std::cout << "Updated Config value: " << config.value << std::endl; // Outputs: 100
return 0;
Config value: 42
Updated Config value: 100
Variable: Must be initialized at compile time but can be modified at runtime.
Template Parameter Lists Enhancements
C++20 introduces new syntax and capabilities for template parameter lists, enhancing their expressiveness.
Template Parameter Lists with auto
Templates can now accept parameters of any type using the auto
Example: Template with auto
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
int main() {
// Template lambda with auto parameters
auto add = []<typename T>(T a, T b) -> T {
return a + b;
std::cout << "Sum: " << add(10, 20) << std::endl; // Outputs: 30
std::cout << "Sum: " << add(3.5, 2.5) << std::endl; // Outputs: 6
// std::cout << add("Hello", "World") << std::endl; // Compilation error
return 0;
Sum: 30
Sum: 6
- Generic Template Lambda: Uses
to accept any type that supports the+
Introduction to std::format
provides a type-safe and extensible way to format strings, similar to Python’s str.format
or C#’s string interpolation. It replaces the traditional printf
-style formatting with a more modern and secure approach.
Using std::format
Example: Basic Usage of std::format
#include <format>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int age = 30;
std::string name = "Alice";
std::string message = std::format("Name: {}, Age: {}", name, age);
std::cout << message << std::endl; // Outputs: Name: Alice, Age: 30
return 0;
Name: Alice, Age: 30
Syntax: Uses{}
as placeholders for arguments, providing a clear and readable way to construct formatted strings.
Advanced Formatting
supports various formatting options, including alignment, width, precision, and more.
Example: Advanced Formatting
#include <format>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
std::string hexValue = std::format("{:#x}", 255); // Hexadecimal with prefix
std::string message = std::format("Pi rounded to 2 decimal places: {:.2f}", pi);
std::cout << message << std::endl; // Outputs: Pi rounded to 2 decimal places: 3.14
std::cout << "Hex value: " << hexValue << std::endl; // Outputs: Hex value: 0xff
return 0;
Pi rounded to 2 decimal places: 3.14
Hex value: 0xff
with Formatting Specifiers: Allows specifying precision and formatting styles directly within the format string.
Enhanced std::chrono
C++20 introduces several enhancements to the <chrono>
library, providing more precise and convenient ways to work with time durations and points.
Calendar and Time Zone Support
C++20 adds calendar and time zone support to <chrono>
, allowing for more accurate and meaningful time manipulations.
Example: Using std::chrono
with Calendars
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
using namespace std::chrono;
// Current system time as a time_point
auto now = system_clock::now();
// Convert to time_t for printing
std::time_t now_time = system_clock::to_time_t(now);
std::cout << "Current time: " << std::ctime(&now_time) << std::endl;
// Add 5 days
auto future = now + days(5);
std::time_t future_time = system_clock::to_time_t(future);
std::cout << "Future time (5 days later): " << std::ctime(&future_time) << std::endl;
return 0;
Current time: Wed Oct 11 14:23:45 2023
Future time (5 days later): Mon Oct 16 14:23:45 2023
Duration: Allows adding days directly to atime_point
.- Calendar Awareness: Facilitates operations based on calendar dates.
Formatting Dates and Times
With calendar support, formatting dates and times becomes more straightforward.
Example: Formatting Dates with std::format
and std::chrono
#include <chrono>
#include <format>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
using namespace std::chrono;
// Define a specific date
year_month_day ymd{year{2023}, month{10}, day{27}};
// Format the date
std::string dateStr = std::format("{:%B %d, %Y}", ymd);
std::cout << "Formatted Date: " << dateStr << std::endl; // Outputs: October 27, 2023
return 0;
Formatted Date: October 27, 2023
: Represents a calendar date.std::format
with Chrono: Allows formatting using chrono’s calendar types.
Best Practices for Utilizing C++20 Features
- Gradual Adoption: Start by integrating C++20 features into new projects or gradually refactor existing codebases.
- Leverage Standard Library Enhancements: Utilize new Standard Library features like
and enhancedstd::chrono
for more robust code. - Embrace Modern Syntax: Use Concepts and Ranges to write more expressive and type-safe code.
- Optimize with Coroutines: Implement asynchronous operations using coroutines to improve application responsiveness.
- Organize Code with Modules: Adopt modules to enhance compile times and code encapsulation, keeping in mind the current limited compiler support.
- Stay Updated: Continuously explore and learn about new C++20 features and their best use cases.
Best Practices for Using C++20 Features
Integrating C++20 features into your programming workflow can significantly enhance code quality and performance. However, to maximize their benefits, it’s essential to follow best practices:
- Understand the Features Thoroughly: Before using a new feature, ensure you understand its mechanics, benefits, and potential pitfalls.
- Start Small: Begin by applying C++20 features to smaller, non-critical parts of your codebase to gain confidence.
- Maintain Consistency: Use C++20 features consistently across your projects to ensure uniformity and ease of maintenance.
- Leverage Compiler Support: Ensure that your compiler fully supports the C++20 features you intend to use and stay updated with the latest compiler versions.
- Write Clear and Readable Code: While advanced features offer powerful abstractions, prioritize code readability and maintainability.
- Use Static Analysis Tools: Employ tools that can analyze and enforce best practices, ensuring that C++20 features are used correctly.
- Stay Informed: Keep abreast of updates, community discussions, and evolving best practices related to C++20.
Practical Examples
To solidify your understanding of C++20 features, let’s explore some practical examples that demonstrate how these features can be applied in real-world scenarios.
Example 1: Using Concepts to Create a Generic Function
Problem: Create a generic multiply
function that only works with arithmetic types.
#include <concepts>
#include <iostream>
// Define the 'Arithmetic' concept
template<typename T>
concept Arithmetic = std::is_arithmetic_v<T>;
// Generic multiply function constrained by the 'Arithmetic' concept
Arithmetic auto multiply(Arithmetic auto a, Arithmetic auto b) {
return a * b;
int main() {
std::cout << multiply(3, 4) << std::endl; // Outputs: 12
std::cout << multiply(2.5, 4.2) << std::endl; // Outputs: 10.5
// std::cout << multiply("Hello", "World") << std::endl; // Compilation error
return 0;
- The
function is constrained to accept only types that satisfy theArithmetic
concept, ensuring type safety.
Example 2: Implementing a Coroutine-Based Generator
Problem: Create a generator that produces an infinite sequence of Fibonacci numbers using coroutines.
#include <coroutine>
#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
// Generator class for Fibonacci numbers
struct FibonacciGenerator {
struct promise_type {
std::optional<long long> current_value;
FibonacciGenerator get_return_object() {
return FibonacciGenerator{ std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>::from_promise(*this) };
std::suspend_always initial_suspend() { return {}; }
std::suspend_always final_suspend() noexcept { return {}; }
std::suspend_always yield_value(long long value) {
current_value = value;
return {};
void return_void() {}
void unhandled_exception() { std::terminate(); }
std::coroutine_handle<promise_type> handle;
FibonacciGenerator(std::coroutine_handle<promise_type> h) : handle(h) {}
~FibonacciGenerator() { if(handle) handle.destroy(); }
std::optional<long long> next() {
if(!handle.done()) {
return handle.promise().current_value;
return std::nullopt;
// Coroutine function to generate Fibonacci numbers
FibonacciGenerator generateFibonacci() {
long long a = 0, b = 1;
while(true) {
co_yield a;
auto temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp + b;
int main() {
auto fibGen = generateFibonacci();
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
if(auto val = fibGen.next()) {
std::cout << *val << " "; // Outputs: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
- Infinite Coroutine: The
coroutine runs indefinitely, yielding Fibonacci numbers. - Generator Usage: The
class manages the coroutine, providing anext
method to retrieve values.
Example 3: Using std::span
to Manipulate Subarrays
Problem: Implement a function that reverses a subarray within a given array using std::span
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <span>
#include <array>
// Function to reverse a subarray using std::span
void reverseSubarray(std::span<int> s, size_t start, size_t length) {
if(start + length > s.size()) {
throw std::out_of_range("Subarray exceeds span bounds.");
std::span<int> sub = s.subspan(start, length);
std::reverse(sub.begin(), sub.end());
int main() {
std::array<int, 8> data = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
try {
// Reverse elements from index 2 to index 5 (elements 3,4,5,6)
reverseSubarray(data, 2, 4);
for(auto num : data) {
std::cout << num << " "; // Outputs: 1 2 6 5 4 3 7 8
std::cout << std::endl;
} catch(const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
return 0;
1 2 6 5 4 3 7 8
Usage: ThereverseSubarray
function takes a span of integers and reverses a specified subrange.- Safety: Ensures that the subarray does not exceed the bounds of the span, throwing an exception if it does.
Example 4: Implementing Defaulted Comparisons with the <=>
Problem: Create a Rectangle
class that can be compared using all relational and equality operators without manually defining each operator.
#include <compare>
#include <iostream>
struct Rectangle {
int width;
int height;
// Default the three-way comparison operator
auto operator<=>(const Rectangle&) const = default;
int main() {
Rectangle r1{10, 20};
Rectangle r2{10, 20};
Rectangle r3{15, 25};
std::cout << std::boolalpha;
std::cout << "r1 == r2: " << (r1 == r2) << std::endl; // true
std::cout << "r1 < r3: " << (r1 < r3) << std::endl; // true
std::cout << "r3 > r2: " << (r3 > r2) << std::endl; // true
return 0;
r1 == r2: true
r1 < r3: true
r3 > r2: true
- Defaulted
Operator: Automatically generates comparison logic based on member variables. - Comprehensive Comparisons: Enables the use of
, and!=
without additional code.
C++20 represents a significant advancement in the C++ language, introducing features that enhance its expressiveness, performance, and usability. In this chapter, you’ve explored some of the most impactful C++20 features:
- Concepts: Enabled more expressive and type-safe template programming.
- Ranges: Provided a modern and flexible approach to working with sequences of elements.
- Coroutines: Simplified asynchronous programming by allowing functions to suspend and resume execution.
- Modules: Improved code organization, encapsulation, and compile times by introducing a new way to manage dependencies, though with currently limited support across major compilers.
- Three-Way Comparison Operator (
): Streamlined the implementation of comparison operators, reducing boilerplate code. std::span
: Offered a safe and efficient way to reference contiguous sequences of elements without owning them.- Other Enhancements: Including lambda improvements,
, template parameter list enhancements,std::format
, and an enrichedstd::chrono
By integrating these features into your C++ programming practices, you can write more efficient, readable, and maintainable code. Embracing C++20’s modern features not only keeps your skills up-to-date but also leverages the full potential of the C++ language for developing robust and high-performance applications.
Now you’re ready to move on to Filesystem, where you’ll explore C++20’s capabilities for handling file systems, enabling you to build applications that interact seamlessly with the environment.
Next chapter: Filesystem